3.1 The most important stages of experiences up to now of the supramental consciousness and that of the Superman through The Mother (4)

It has entered the consciousness, it will come out again one day. But I kept the memory of the last thing: I saw myself, I was in two places at the same time (and maybe I too wasn't quite as I am, but that didn't interest me: I was looking at him, who was lying down and explaining to me), and it was ... it was the same thing as a luminescent body, but it wasn't luminescent, it was ... if I am not mistaken, it was the color of this sari (Mother points to Sujata' s sari), something like that.”

On the 19th of November 1969 Mother had a connection to the supramental consciousness: „There.
But then, despite everything, the body retained some slight con­sciousness of its needs all these days 
(though it's not concerned with itself—I always said it isn't concerned with itself, not interested), but that's what Sri Aurobindo said: "I feel I am still the old man."  
This morning I understood that, because it was no longer there! You see, that sort of very calm perception, but still of what "goes wrong" 
(a pain here, a difficulty there), very calm, very indifferent,   but the thing is still PERCEIVED (without becoming more important)—even that, prrt! gone, completely swept away!..


I do hope it won't come back. That's really …that's what I understand to be a transformation! You are conscious in a golden immensity (it's wonderful, mon petit!), luminous, golden, peaceful, eternal, all-powerful.
How did it come ? . . . There are really no words to express it, that sense of wonder towards the Grace…The Grace, the Grace is a thing that exceeds all understanding in its clear-sighted goodness.

Naturally, the body had the experience. Something took place      which I won't tell, and it had the true reaction; it didn't have the old reaction, it had the true one: it smiled, you know, with this Smile of the supreme Lord—it smiled. That remained there for a day and a half. And that difficulty was what let the body make the last progress, let it live in that Consciousness; if everything had been harmonious, things might have dragged on for years—it's wonderful, you know, wonderful!
How stupid people are! When the Grace comes to them, they drive it away, saying, "Oh, how horrible!..." I'd known that for a long time, but my experience is … a bedazzlement.”

  1. Material Nature accepted the new Creation on the 14th of March and 9th of May 1970

14th March 1970: „Which means that the material conditions, which were elaborate by the mind, FIXED by it (Mother clenches her fist tight), and which appeared so inescapable, to such a point that those who had a living experience of the higher worlds thought one had to flee this world, abandon this material world if one really wanted to live in the Truth (that´ s the cause of all those theories and beliefs), now things are no longer like that.


The physical is CAPABLE of receiving the higher Light, the Truth, the true Consciousness, and of man-i-fest-ing it.
It´ s not easy, it calls for endurance and wiIl, but a day will come when it will be quite natural. It´ s only just the open door—that´ s all, now we have o go on.



Evolution of the Divine living within people Transformation of the physical body and the Perceptible Breath Experiences, Insights and Visions on the basis of the work of Sri Aurobindo, Mirra Alfassa and Ilse Middendorf
First published in the Internet On the 15th August 2001 a revised version is expected to be released in March 2019
Helge Langguth

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Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gem. § 55 II RStV
Helge Langguth
Heilpraktiker – Atemtherapeut
Postweg 23
64760 Oberzent
E-Mail: Helge.Langguth@t-online.de
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