2.0 Introduction to the subject

2.0    Introduction to the subject

For readers who are not familiar with the work and the aims of Sri Aurobindo, The Mother and Ilse Middendorf, I would like to give an overview in this chapter of the basics upon which my proposals for practical work are based. For a more advanced view I recommend the last book by Sri Aurobindo ‘The Manifestation of the Supramental’ first published in 1948. A fine survey of the entire canon is to be found in the newly written volume by Satprem titled:
‘Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness’.


In order to comprehend – or better to be able to live what the Experience of Breath (after Middendorf) is all about, I would recommend first of all to take part in a five-day basics seminar “The Experience of Breath” (and only then if necessary to read about it.)

The corresponding courses for Berlin and Beerfelden in the Odenwald region of Germany can be found at:


or if you find easier to remember


We send a brochure as well the list of courses also by post (free of charge). 

Orders (if possible by telephone) also for Berlin to the Head Office of both institutes:

Ilse-Middendorf-Institute, Postweg 23, D - 64743 Beerfelden

Tel.: 0 60 68 - 91 20 26 (workdays: 8:00 - 13:00 )
Tel. from outside Germany: 00 49 - 60 68 - 91 20 26
Fax: 00 49 - 60 68 - 46 62

 E-Mail: Helge.Langguth@t-online.de

Evolution of the Divine living within people Transformation of the physical body and the Perceptible Breath Experiences, Insights and Visions on the basis of the work of Sri Aurobindo, Mirra Alfassa and Ilse Middendorf
First published in the Internet On the 15th August 2001 a revised version is expected to be released in March 2019
Helge Langguth

About us

Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gem. § 55 II RStV
Helge Langguth
Heilpraktiker – Atemtherapeut
Postweg 23
64760 Oberzent
E-Mail: Helge.Langguth@t-online.de
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer nach §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE178314729