3.2 The question of the „how“ of unifying the physical and subtle-physical body

3.2     The question of the „how“ of unifying the physical and subtle-physical body

Three years went by after I had begun to read Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, when I stumbled upon the reference by The Mother that although she had been shown the outcome of the supramental Transformation – generally In relation to her own body – nevertheless the “how” and with what methods this process of transformation could be completed remained totally closed to her. 

Since I had until that point been under the impression that The Mother “knew everything” which she wanted to know, I was extremely surprised by this statement and an intuitive voice said: “Here it is necessary to seek – that’s what humanity has to find out.” Since then I have endeavored to come closer to the answer to this question. The current publication is the result of those endeavors – and as one can learn from reading it basic and important questions of the “how” were discovered by The Mother and also in the Perceptible Breath (after Ilse Middendorf), a method which enables practical work on this theme.

The most central findings of The Mother are that one has to begin with the physical body and indeed on the basis of the so-called “Mind of the body likewise the cells” – and this although Sri Aurobindo had written that they cannot be changed. About that The Mother on the 1st of January 1969: „The only thing in it that was a little morbid was this physical mind, the body-mind, which Sri Aurobindo regarded as impossible to change—it was very stubborn, but you see, it's the one that has done the work, it has worked out the change.”


On the 12th of July 1969, The Mother expressed herself once more on this theme:
„Oh, but if it's the physical mind ... Because it's the physical mind that's now developing, [in Mother] out of all proportions foreseen as possible, while Sri Aurobindo himself thought it wasn't possible; he said it's better to get rid of it, it won't be possible [to transform it]. But I have noticed it can be transformed, because the mind and the vital are gone, so there was a need to replace the mind in the functioning, and this physical mind has developed in quite an extraordinary way. It has become ... (what should I say?) far more conscious, first of all, far more organized and methodical in its work.”

Because of its significance I am repeating here the conditions which I mentioned in the introduction which are necessary for the work:

The path of supramental consciousness – first through a body formed by The Mother on a subtle-physical level – to help it to a realization takes place exclusively (!) in the physical body, and through the work with it and on it. It does not take place through an intensification or healing of some other part of a person, neither through a higher Mind nor through their inner and psychic being, nor is it in any other way dependent on whether – and to what extent – the outer Mind and Vital are purged. Only in this way can a large (and required) number of people take part in this work. During the practical work on, with and through the physical body the Perceptible Breath (after Ilse Middendorf) assumes great importance.

Evolution of the Divine living within people Transformation of the physical body and the Perceptible Breath Experiences, Insights and Visions on the basis of the work of Sri Aurobindo, Mirra Alfassa and Ilse Middendorf
First published in the Internet On the 15th August 2001 a revised version is expected to be released in March 2019
Helge Langguth

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Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gem. § 55 II RStV
Helge Langguth
Heilpraktiker – Atemtherapeut
Postweg 23
64760 Oberzent
E-Mail: Helge.Langguth@t-online.de
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