2.1 Sri Aurobindo und Mirra Alfassa About them – their aims – their teachings (2)

In 1969 Mother recognised that she (with the help of Sri Aurobindo “on the other side“) had formed a (her) body at the subtle-physical level which was an in-between stage on the path to a transformation once and for all of the physical body, and whose formation she attempted (in vain) in her own physical body until 1973.

The subtle-physical level named above is not identical with the so-called “occult“ level and the level of the finestuff which some people have the ability to perceive. The occult level is a sub-domain of the finestuff level, and this in turn a part of the subtle-physical level. The Mother had already at the beginning of her experiences with yoga experienced that the supramental consciousness cannot be achieved through the means and powers of the occult level. 

The work of the mother and her concern with the physical body remained fully incomprehensible to her students (with the exception of Satprem). She stated on the 24th of May 1969 to him: “Mon petit, you are helping me as much as you can. It's very good.... There's one thing: you are the only one I can talk to. And that's good. From a general standpoint, I am very grateful for that —you are the only one I can talk to. The others don't understand. - The others don't understand.”


Some of them held her to be insane –  many senile. During her almost daily conversations with Satprem, the tape recorder was running. Satprem published these tape recordings in the 13 volume work “Mother’s Agenda” (with almost 5,000 pages). Since their publication (first in French, then in English – in German up to volume 11 and the year 1970 has been translated) ever more followers of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother have begun to understand her concern and work, and have been trying to find ways to transform the body.

On the 17th of November 1973 The Mother passed away, and left to us the task of working with and on the body so that the body which formed itself within her at the subtle-physical level can reveal itself as the first stage to its definitive supramental transformation.




Evolution of the Divine living within people Transformation of the physical body and the Perceptible Breath Experiences, Insights and Visions on the basis of the work of Sri Aurobindo, Mirra Alfassa and Ilse Middendorf
First published in the Internet On the 15th August 2001 a revised version is expected to be released in March 2019
Helge Langguth

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Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gem. § 55 II RStV
Helge Langguth
Heilpraktiker – Atemtherapeut
Postweg 23
64760 Oberzent
E-Mail: Helge.Langguth@t-online.de
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