3.1 The most important stages of experiences up to now of the supramental consciousness and that of the Superman through The Mother (3)

On the 15th of February 1969: “During these few hours (three or four hours), I understood in an absolute way what having the divine consciousness in the body means… But that state, which lasted for several hours ... never had this body, in the ninety‑one years it's been on earth, felt such happi­ness: freedom, absolute power, and no limits (gesture here and there and everywhere), no limits, no impossibilities, nothing…”

On 19th of March 1969: “I," I don't know what this I is; it's what speaks, what collects experiences. It's not the body, but what uses or works in this body; yes, it's the consciousness at work in this body, but not like something working ON something else: it's identified with the body, but at the same time not tied to that identification, in the sense that it feels totally free and independent, and yet it's identi­cal—what sense can you


make out of all that!... Free, independent, AND identical at the same time.

Since the beginning of this year a new consciousness is at work upon earth to prepare men for a new creation, the superman. For this creation to be possible the substance that constitutes man's body must undergo a big change…”

On the 2nd April 1969: “But the inner change is considerable—considerable. It's consid­erable: from the point of view of consciousness, it has been the greatest change in my whole existence; I've had many of them, I've worked a lot, but ... nothing in comparison with what has taken place since the 1st of January. To such a point that the body feels like a different person....” 

  1. Mother’s contact to her body on the Supramental level on the 30th of August 1969

30th August 1969: „And last night he told me, he showed me how this or that thing would be, how the body would be. I remember that when I woke up, he was lying down on a bed, I was kneeling beside the bed, looking at him, and while he was that new body, he at the same time explained to me how the superman's body would be (the supramental being). And it was so living that even when I woke up, it remained—I can still see it. But the details ... (how can I put it?) the memory doesn't have the pre­cision that enables it to explain (I don't know how to put it). I still have the vision ... it had a color ... it wasn't casting rays of light, not that, but ... and not luminescent like an object, but with a spe­cial luminosity which had that light ... 


a little like Auroville' s flower (but it wasn't like that, it looked perfectly natural). He was show­ing me his body; he was lying down, and showing me his body, saying, "Here is how it is." The form was almost the same, with some ... I still have the memory there (gesture in the atmosphere), but I don't know how to explain.... Lately, I had been wondering, "It's odd, we don't at all know how it [the new body] will be." And I was saying to myself, "There's no one to tell me." Because this Consciousness that came, it acts through the consciousness, but not so much through the vision. So then, I had that last night. For a long, long time I was with Sri Aurobindo, a long time, for hours.

Evolution of the Divine living within people Transformation of the physical body and the Perceptible Breath Experiences, Insights and Visions on the basis of the work of Sri Aurobindo, Mirra Alfassa and Ilse Middendorf
First published in the Internet On the 15th August 2001 a revised version is expected to be released in March 2019
Helge Langguth

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Helge Langguth
Heilpraktiker – Atemtherapeut
Postweg 23
64760 Oberzent
E-Mail: Helge.Langguth@t-online.de
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